
Current Roadmap (Constantly Updated)

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  • July 2023
    Define the Problem

    Identify the problem that your AI tools will solve. Determine the target audience and their needs.

  • July 2023 - March 2024
    Gather Data

    Gather data to understand the target audience and their needs. This includes user surveys, feedback, and other sources.

  • May 2024
    Build the Backend of Worker Nodes

    Develop & Build Worker Nodes, used for Powering the BrinxAI Engine.

  • June 2024
    Test the Worker Nodes

    Test the application to ensure it meets requirements and provides accurate outputs.

  • July 2024
    Launch the Worker Nodes
    In progress

    Launch the Worker Nodes and promote it through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

  • July 2024 - January 2025
    Develop Multiset of AI Tools

    Develop and integrate a multiset of AI tools, including social media tools, image & video generation, text generation & transformation, audio tools, website builder, app builder, code generation and much more.

  • July 2024 - July 2025
    Deploy 10,000 Nodes

    Launch and deploy 10,000 Nodes within the first year to power the backend for a comprehensive suite of AI tools.

  • July 2024 - January 2026
    Achieve 1 Million Active Users

    Achieve a user base of 1 million active users within 18 months by providing valuable AI tools and services.

  • July 2024 - July 2025
    Partner with 100 Third-Party Developers

    Partner with 100 third-party developers to utilize our API within the first year, expanding the ecosystem and driving innovation.

  • July 2024 - ∞
    Collect User Feedback

    Collect feedback from users to improve the app and make it more user-friendly.

  • July 2024 - ∞
    Update the Application

    Update the app regularly to ensure it remains relevant and provides accurate outputs.

  • July 2024 - ∞
    Add More Features

    After launching and collecting feedback, add more features to enhance the AI tools, including integration with other apps, voice recognition, and customization options.

Be part of the future with BrinxAICurve

Unleash the power of AI within BrinxAI. Upgrade your productivity with BrinxAI, the only AI App with 20+ AI Free & Premium Tools.

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